Process to Become a Commoner and Secure Generational Land on the Rolle Town Commonage Estate

1.       Obtain the Registration Form

Ensure you have the most up-to-date registration form.

2.       Complete the Application

Fill out the application form and attach all required documents to prove your entitlement to a 100 x 100 lot in the Rolle Town Commonage.

Required documents may include:

        • Your birth certificate and ID.
        • Your parent’s birth certificate.
        • Your grandparent’s obituary showing they were born on the island.
        • Proof of family lineage tracing back to you.
        • If your parent or grandparent already owns a lot, provide the same documentation along with details of their lot ownership. These documents will assist in determining your eligibility.

3.       Submit Your Application

Submit your completed application and supporting documents to the Rolle Town Committee. Wait for approval from the Committee or Land Committee.

4.       Pay Registration and Dues

Once approved, submit $350 to the RolleTown Commonage. This includes a $300 registration fee and $50 for the first year’s dues. Always keep your receipts. Congratulations! You are now a registered Commoner and eligible to vote.

5.       Select Your Property

Contact the Committee to confirm lot availability before traveling.

Schedule an appointment with the Land Chair, +1 (242) 4150 to view available lots.

6.       Bring Original Documents

On your first visit to the island, bring the original documents you submitted for approval. The Secretary will note in your file that original documents were presented.

7.       Pay for Your Selected Lot

Once you’ve selected a property, pay the Commonage the amount listed on the registration form for the 100 x 100 lot. Always keep your receipts.

8.       Obtain Blueprint Authorization

Request Letter #1 from the Rolle Town Committee to present to Craig Thompson or Janson Saunders, confirming your approval to proceed with blueprints.

9.       Design Your Blueprint
    1. Choose a Builder

While your blueprints are being prepared, research and choose a builder. Visit the island to inspect their work before making a decision.

11.   Start Building

Once your blueprints are ready, meet with your builder to discuss next steps. Request Letter #2 from the Rolle Town Committee to authorize tractor access for property clearing.

12.   Obtain Homeowner’s Insurance

Secure homeowner’s insurance as your home construction begins to protect against unforeseen events.

13.   Utility Authorizations

Stay in contact with the Committee throughout the building process. Request:

    • Letter #3 for BPL (electricity).
    • Letter #4 for Water and Sewer services.

14.   Annual Dues

Pay $50 annually to maintain financial standing on your property.

15.   Entrepreneur Opportunities

If you’re an entrepreneur, you may qualify for an additional lot for a commercial business.

Submit a business proposal to the Committee for approval at a general meeting. Once approved, follow the same process for securing the commercial lot

(excluding proof of lineage).





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